Past Ball Drill

Basics of the Past Ball Drill

Basics of the Past Ball Drill

One of the most basic skills to learn when playing baseball is fielding grounders. Like throwing and hitting, fielding should be a top priority for you to learn. That being said, there is a very useful drill to start the learning process. The Past Ball Drill will show you how to field grounders effectively and correctly. You will get a good sense of the required range of motion to be a good fielder. Here is some more info about the Past Ball Drill!

Required Materials

First off, you need to know what materials are required before you can start practicing. Thankfully, there is not much required and will be easy for you to set up quickly.

The two main things you need is a glove and a baseball. These are the basics of most baseball drills, so having those on hand is important. Then, you need two cones or pylons. If you don’t have actual cones, you can easily use something else. All you need is something big enough to create boundaries, so books, shoes, or really anything else could do the trick.

Finally, you need a partner. Whether this be a parent or teammate, you just need someone to hit or throw you grounders.

Once you have everything in your possession, it is time to set up. Put your cones or markers 10-20 feet apart and have the partner who will be throwing the balls a few feet perpendicular to the line. That is really it! This is a drill that requires minimal setup and materials.

All About Past Ball Drill

So, what is the Past Ball Drill? Well, it is just as basic as it seems, but it is also crucial to practice. As the name hints, the goal of the drill is to not let the ball get past you. Once you are all set up, you should stand in between the cones and have you partner stand across from you, a few feet away.

Have your partner toss grounders to each side of you. This will teach you to shuffle side to side and get used to getting in front of the ball. If you are worried about getting hit with the ball, which is a very reasonable concern, switch out the baseball for a tennis ball until you get comfortable.

As your partner administers the ground balls, practice on positioning your glove correctly while also shuffling to get in front of the ball. You don’t need to worry as much about fielding the ball cleanly, but you need to get used of moving your body to get in the correct position.


After practicing and mastering this drill, you will see actual progress being made in your ability to field grounders. Moving to your right and left is really important and a technique that needs to be worked on so you can make the play once you are ready to hit the field. Once you get better, you can move the cones further apart to enlarge your range as a fielder.

If you are looking to practice Basdeball and improve your game, we are  take a holistic approach to Baseball/Softball training, focusing on the physical and mental aspects of the game.


All Fields Hitting Baseball Academy is a baseball/softball training facility located in Southfield, Mi. We specialize in professional baseball and softball training for players of all ages. We help players improve their games by establishing proper mechanics, reinforcing muscle memory and developing a strong training routine. Along with focusing on the physical aspects of playing, we focus on the mental approach to the game as well. We help young players develop a strong routine, a positive approach and mindset, the ability to work through failure, and the ability to deal with the pressure of playing baseball/softball.