best baseball workouts

Best Baseball Workouts

Before the 1990s, baseball players were hesitant to venture into the weight room too often for fear of getting too big. Baseball was a game of speed, with bunts, stolen bases, and hit-and-runs much more prevalent than they are today. Then in the 1990s baseball entered the Steroid Era, where players realized that they could still play with large muscles. While steroids have largely been eliminated from the game, the mindset of players has also changed. Players are bigger, stronger, and even faster overall than they were 40 years ago. Weight training from an early age is responsible for that. The goal for baseball players is not mass, but functional strength and mobility. With that in mind, here are some of the best workouts for baseball players.

Best Baseball Workouts

Baseball is as much about lower body mobility as it is about upper body strength. That is true for both pitching and hitting, so expect lots of leg work in your baseball workout.

Backward Lunge with a Twist

The backward lunge with a twist is a great way to reduce your risk of injury in your lower back while stressing your hip flexors. This will give you greater rotational ability when throwing the ball.

To perform this exercise, step back with your left leg into a lunge. Lean backward slightly and reach your left arm skyward. Twist your torso over your front (right) leg and repeat for the other side. Repeat both sides 10 times.

Drop Lunge – Baseball Workout

The drop lunge is a great way to improve the flexibility in your glutes and hips, two important parts of many baseball moves.

To perform the drop lunge, turn your hips left and reach backward with your left foot until it’s about two feet outside and behind your right foot. (Your legs will almost be crossed at this point.) Rotate your hips to a neutral position facing forward again. Slowly lower yourself down into a squat. Repeat 10 times.

Leg Cradle – Baseball Workout

The leg cradle is another movement to open up your hips and glutes. This helps when you’re pitching, throwing, or batting.

First, lift your right leg off of the ground and squat on your left leg. Bring your right knee to your chest and hold your right ankle with your right hand. Hold this position for several seconds. Return your right leg to the ground and switch legs. Repeat this 10 times.

Mini-Band Lateral Walks – Baseball Workout

This baseball exercise helps with your shifting of weight, which is important in both pitching and hitting. It also increases hip mobility and quad strength. For this exercise, you will need a mini-band. Place it around both of your legs, just above the knees. Keep tension on the band by keeping your legs slightly apart. Walk sidestep left and right, 10 times each.

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