Crossover Hitting Drill

Crossover Hitting Drill

The Crossover Hitting Drill is all about keeping your head still and upper body back during your stride. For this drill, you will need a tee and a net, as well as a bat and some balls. This drill can also be done during soft toss hitting.

Other benefits of this drill include learning to keep your body weight on your back foot so that you aren’t off balance and learning the proper stride.

Begin the drill by taking a normal stance and address the tee. For instruction purposes, I will describe the movements of a right-handed batter. From your normal stance, take your front (left) foot and cross it over your back (right) foot, touching the ground with the side of your right foot behind your left foot. Most of your body weight should be on your right foot. When you are ready to swing, uncross your feet. You should lift your left foot over the right foot and stretch it forward to reach your normal stride position. As you stretch your left leg, you should simultaneously sink into your back (right) leg. This sinking into the back leg is what keeps your head in line over your rear leg and keeps your upper body back.

Problem Points

Many young hitters step too far forward with their stride and end up getting off balance. This drill is designed to keep their bodyweight back on their back foot so they remain balanced. When doing the Crossover Hitting Drill, remember that the stride is more of a stretch and less of a step. Your body weight remains on your back foot, and you simply lift your front foot and stretch it toward the pitcher. As you stretch, you sink into your back foot. This sink keeps your bodyweight back and keeps your head still.

If the batter forgets to sink into their back leg, the swing will look and feel awkward. It will look like they are too upright. When they stride and sink into their back leg, their back leg should bend slightly to keep the majority of their body weight back.

Key Points

  • Begin your stride by lifting your front foot over your back foot to uncross them.
  • Stretch your front foot toward the pitcher, don’t lunge.
  • When you stretch, sink into your back foot.

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