Step back drill hitting ball

Step Back Drill

Step Back Drill

This is a great drill to help hitters feel themselves load into their back hip, maintain good posture, and fire their back knee and hip in a strong, connected swing. How the drill works:

  • The hitter sets up a little farther up in the box compared to where they would normally stand.
  • Hitter steps back with their back foot, feeling themselves getting into their back hip, while keeping their upper body inside their back hip/knee. It is very important not to tilt with the upper body, leading to a collapsed, uphill swing. Stay solid inside your back side!
  • Execute your swing. Be strong and explosive!! Stay behind your front side during swing execution. WE DO NOT WANT TO GET OUT ON OUR FRONT SIDE. The goal is to load into that back hip and really fire it into your swing in order to get a feel for being strong on your legs and driving your lower half.

This is a great drill for any hitter having trouble with their load and/or firing their backside. Add it to your routine!!