baseball scoop drills

Baseball Scoop Drills

The Baseball Scoop Drill

When learning the fundamentals of baseball, there are various aspects that you need to focus on. One aspect of the sport is fielding. More specifically, fielding ground balls and scooping up throws is an important part of becoming a well-rounded player. Thankfully, there is an awesome drill known as the scoop drill that will show you which way to use your glove to yield the best results.

Required Materials

Setting up the scoop drill is very easy and does not require a lot of materials. The main thing you need is a milk jug. This will take the place of your glove because it is much easier to maneuver and sets the framework for when you are ready to use the glove.

Once you have your empty, cleaned out milk jug, it is time to craft the actual scoop. You should cut out the bottoms to open up the jug. Then, you will cut out the half opposite from the handle to form the scoop shape. The scoop will simulate a baseball glove without actually having to wear one. Especially when first learning, using the glove can be quite difficult, so the scoop is there to simulate the glove.

After you have crafted the actual scoop, all you need is a baseball, and you will be all set to practice!

What to do

Now that you have everything set, it is time to practice the drill. This does require a partner, so grab a parent or friend to help you out. Have that partner toss you grounders and waist-high throws to get into the rhythm.

For grounders, you want to position the scoop down so the ball will roll up into it. The scoop part of the jug acts as the web of your glove. Have your partner toss grounders both to the left and to the right of you. This will help you practice forehand and backhand grabs, both of which are crucial to know.

Once you have gotten the hang of grounders, have your partner throw some higher throws to practice catching. Start at your waist level and then work yourself up to higher throws. Every time you catch a ball, your glove positioning is very important.

Baseball Scoop Drills Results

The entire point of the scoop drills is to show you which ways to position your glove and get you comfortable with fielding balls. When fielding a grounder, your glove needs to be positioned in a certain way. When catching a throw, that position changes. Using the scoop drill will build your confidence for the moment when you decide to put on the glove and try it for real. Along with the confidence in your abilities, you need to be properly taught the techniques. Through this drill, it is seamless.

Without the knowledge of how to effectively catch baseballs, it will be very hard to become a well-rounded player. Thankfully, this very basic drill will help you build the knowledge to develop into a great competitor and athlete.

If you are looking for a baseball coach in Michigan, All Fields Hitting Baseball Academy is located in Metro Detroit Area in Southfield, Michigan. Click here to contact baseball coach.