October 2020

baseball scoop drills

Baseball Scoop Drills

The Baseball Scoop Drill When learning the fundamentals of baseball, there are various aspects that you need to focus on. One aspect of the sport is fielding. More specifically, fielding ground balls and scooping up throws is an important part of becoming a well-rounded player. Thankfully, there is an awesome drill known as the scoop

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Step back drill hitting ball

Step Back Drill

Step Back Drill This is a great drill to help hitters feel themselves load into their back hip, maintain good posture, and fire their back knee and hip in a strong, connected swing. How the drill works: The hitter sets up a little farther up in the box compared to where they would normally stand.

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the net drill

The Net Drill

This drill is the Net Drill is designed to help hitters keep a tight swing radius. It hit the ball on a line up the middle without hitting the net. As you can see right there, Daniel kept his hands tight, hitting a line drive and left center field. acceptable outcomes are aligned drive with

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